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Sensing Serene

- mood board & patterns


Designs are


in size A3

56 Wandering in Mist (B)

56 Wandering in Mist (B)

124 Petals Like Rubies (A)

124 Petals Like Rubies (A)

Mockup / Pattern 124

Mockup / Pattern 124

22 A Midsummer Moments (A)

22 A Midsummer Moments (A)

Mockup / Pattern 56

Mockup / Pattern 56

25 Summer Stillness (C)

25 Summer Stillness (C)

24 Whistling Wind (B)

24 Whistling Wind (B)

23 Flower Flood (B)

23 Flower Flood (B)

15 Veil of Flowers (A)

15 Veil of Flowers (A)

11 Stillness in Shadows (D)

11 Stillness in Shadows (D)

125 Two Way Stream (C)

125 Two Way Stream (C)

27 Silent Structure (C)

27 Silent Structure (C)

74 Puddle of Petals (D)

74 Puddle of Petals (D)

Mockup / Pattern 15

Mockup / Pattern 15

32 Climbing Towards Clouds (C)

32 Climbing Towards Clouds (C)

120 Wandering Vine (C)

120 Wandering Vine (C)

12 Drifting Dandelions (D)

12 Drifting Dandelions (D)

10 Resting on Water (B)

10 Resting on Water (B)

100 Swinging in The Wind (A)

100 Swinging in The Wind (A)

14 Spring in the Air (+A)

14 Spring in the Air (+A)

26 Wandering Tracks (D)

26 Wandering Tracks (D)

16 Sailing Petals (B)

16 Sailing Petals (B)

Mockup / Pattern 14

Mockup / Pattern 14

19 Jungle of Lupins (A)

19 Jungle of Lupins (A)

20 Pieces of Lupins (C)

20 Pieces of Lupins (C)

21 Lupin Lace (B)

21 Lupin Lace (B)

28 Flickering Strings (C)

28 Flickering Strings (C)

29 Wandering on Waters (A)

29 Wandering on Waters (A)

39 Cloudy (D)

39 Cloudy (D)

91 Reflecting (C)

91 Reflecting (C)

31 Cooling Evenings (B)

31 Cooling Evenings (B)

43 Proud Iris’ (+A)

43 Proud Iris’ (+A)

35 Pouring Petals (C)

35 Pouring Petals (C)

Mockup / Pattern 34

Mockup / Pattern 34

33 That Fav Summer Dress (A)

33 That Fav Summer Dress (A)

50 Rushing Corkscrews (D)

50 Rushing Corkscrews (D)

34 Festival Flow (A)

34 Festival Flow (A)

38 Fields of Fun (B)

38 Fields of Fun (B)

37 Cueing Cuties (C)

37 Cueing Cuties (C)

49 Spongy (C)

49 Spongy (C)

Mockup / Pattern 44

Mockup / Pattern 44

42 Swirmy (D)

42 Swirmy (D)

44 Head Up High (+A)

44 Head Up High (+A)

47 Cloud Gate (D)

47 Cloud Gate (D)

46 Flickering Squares (D)

46 Flickering Squares (D)

07 Smooth Shift (B)

07 Smooth Shift (B)

59 Moving With The Stream (D)2

59 Moving With The Stream (D)2

54 Autumn Reflections (B)

54 Autumn Reflections (B)

52 Rush of Ice Diving (C)

52 Rush of Ice Diving (C)

17 Wonderful Wave (A)

17 Wonderful Wave (A)

51 Strength in Strokes (A)

51 Strength in Strokes (A)

65 A Bit Lost Maybe (C)

65 A Bit Lost Maybe (C)

Mockup / Pattern 051

Mockup / Pattern 051

58 Clover Crowd (B)

58 Clover Crowd (B)

60 Cool Clovers (C)

60 Cool Clovers (C)

73 Looking for a Landing Spot (C)

73 Looking for a Landing Spot (C)

72 Travelling with Wind (C)

72 Travelling with Wind (C)

48 Shivering Splash (D)

48 Shivering Splash (D)

64 Going With The Flow (B)

64 Going With The Flow (B)

79 Blending (B)

79 Blending (B)

63 Floating Garden (A)

63 Floating Garden (A)

61 Midsummer Flowers (B)

61 Midsummer Flowers (B)

62 Peaceful Pace (D)

62 Peaceful Pace (D)

67 Swirling (A)

67 Swirling (A)

69 Ruby-Like Leaves (C)

69 Ruby-Like Leaves (C)

68 Bathing Plants (B)

68 Bathing Plants (B)

Mockup / Pattern 70

Mockup / Pattern 70

71 In The Shadows (C)

71 In The Shadows (C)

70  Lingering (B)

70 Lingering (B)

75 Drifting Lines (A)

75 Drifting Lines (A)

77 Tranquil Weave (C)

77 Tranquil Weave (C)

76 Travelling Traces (B)

76 Travelling Traces (B)

80 Wood Chips (C)

80 Wood Chips (C)

81 Dribbling in Pairs (C)

81 Dribbling in Pairs (C)

86 Sealed (C)

86 Sealed (C)

89 Laundry in The Sun (C)

89 Laundry in The Sun (C)

87 Chiselled Chips (C)

87 Chiselled Chips (C)

82 Descending Drops (D)

82 Descending Drops (D)

83 Connecting Cubes02 (C)

83 Connecting Cubes02 (C)

84 Connecting Cubes (B)

84 Connecting Cubes (B)

85 At The Pool (B)

85 At The Pool (B)

92 Night in the Garden (A)

92 Night in the Garden (A)

90 Summer’s Peaceful Pace (A)

90 Summer’s Peaceful Pace (A)

98 Flower Lanes (B)

98 Flower Lanes (B)

101 In A Stream (C)

101 In A Stream (C)

93 Like Marble (C)

93 Like Marble (C)

94 Overlapping (C)

94 Overlapping (C)

107  Reptile (C)

107 Reptile (C)

108 Those Summer Memories (B)

108 Those Summer Memories (B)

102 Washed on The Beach (C)

102 Washed on The Beach (C)

95 Moving On (D)

95 Moving On (D)

Mockup / Pattern 108

Mockup / Pattern 108

96 Some Smooth Sailing (D)

96 Some Smooth Sailing (D)

97 Saturday Morning (D)

97 Saturday Morning (D)

106 Gem-like Garland (A)

106 Gem-like Garland (A)

104 Illuminated Drops (C)

104 Illuminated Drops (C)

103 Softness in Shades (B)

103 Softness in Shades (B)

99 365 Stars (C)

99 365 Stars (C)

06 Drifting Direction (B)

06 Drifting Direction (B)

Mockup / Patterns 99 & 103

Mockup / Patterns 99 & 103

119 Moving Gently (D)

119 Moving Gently (D)

08 Peaceful Puzzle (B)

08 Peaceful Puzzle (B)

115 Soaking Steps (C)

115 Soaking Steps (C)

105 Whispers in The Garden (B)

105 Whispers in The Garden (B)

123 Nightfall (C)

123 Nightfall (C)

113 Soothing Summer Vibe

113 Soothing Summer Vibe

109 Moving in Mist (B)

109 Moving in Mist (B)

Mockup / Pattern 113

Mockup / Pattern 113

111 Rushing Stream (C)

111 Rushing Stream (C)

110 Existing in The Dark (B)0

110 Existing in The Dark (B)0

116 Pouring Stripes (B)

116 Pouring Stripes (B)

112 Fog Over Magma (C)

112 Fog Over Magma (C)

114 Flooding Lines (B)

114 Flooding Lines (B)

117 Breezeless (B)

117 Breezeless (B)

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